Sometimes life's experiences can be tragic. It burns you. It hurts you. It took me awhile to get over that part. I have mourned the loss. ... and I have accepted the truth that it is over. But after the pain is moving on.
Looking forward is a process. I took it slow and with confidence. I was so blessed with having family and friends beside and behind me in this journey. I never regret of having to experience the past. It made me stronger. It made me grateful of everything good and bad in my life. It made me realize that there is better for me in the future.
I am not a failure. I will never be a failure. I believe now that I am a gift. I am me and I love me. Getting out of the relationship is maybe the best gift I rewarded myself. Do you know why? ... because I am me once more.
People thought that I am weak... that I am incapable of being me. I proved them wrong. I got out of that situation and I am standing on my own two feet now for over a year.
I never considered almost 11 years of my life wasted because I learned from it. I gave my all plus a 100% more. No matter how much I tried to save it but sometimes love isn't enough. I still respect the man that he was but he is not just for me.
I have moved on and looking forward for another adventure.
Let's rock 'n roll!