
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Alcoholism meets childhood !

It's my friend's birthday! Along with another friend who can't be around during the celebration bought a chocolate cake in Lola Lilia's  which I must say sells the best chocolate cake in town. Scout's Honor, it's worth the calories.

A simple " Happy Birthday " on the cake seems to bore me so I thought of a short but personal message in hopes to crack her up.

Jell-o shots intrigued me. I haven't made one nor tasted one. At least I had a reason to try making them than on a random weekday which people might associate it to Alcoholism. Just saying. Inspired by a pin on Pinterest, I prepared a pack of Jell-o, boiling water, brandy, and a fruit mold, particularly, orange cups. It's also worth noting that orange cups is more earth-friendly than the plastic ones. Vodka can also be used but I preferred brandy since I knew that the celebrant will be serving brandy at the party.

I sliced the oranges into halves, scooped out the fruit, poured the prepared Jell-o mixture, chilled for an hour then sliced in wedges. VIOLA! Alcoholism meets childhood!

No matter how pretty and yummy they look, pace yourself if you want to wake-up hang-over free.