
Thursday, November 3, 2011


Once you get a wish list, there's no point of getting conservative about it. Well, this is how liberal I could get.

1. iWANT a Leica digital camera. Leica 18151 D-Lux 5 Digital camera - with a DSLR technology compacted to this little thing, who wouldn't want this. ...and it's Leica! Everybody wants a Leica. You can attend parties and events with your mini black dress and red stilletos without looking like a paid photographer with the big DSLR camera.

For now, I can't afford it but I can settle with a Canon Powershot SX230HS. It is a user-friendly compact camera with awesome features. You don't need to have a DSLR to be a good photographer, and having one doesn't make you either.

2. iWANT to try film camera. I think a Diana Deluxe Camera Kit will be interesting and challenging. For me, this would be an amazing way to get into film photography.

...and iWant it more when it comes with this Epson V300 Photo Color Scanner, with excellent quality at a less expensive price.

3. iWANT a HDMI Video Theater Projector

... so i could achieve this.

4. You really don't have to be young to find a friend in a teddy bear. iWANT this humongous bear.

... and it has to come with a big, warm hug from the pretty young lady (Yna).

5. iWANT this funky car. I'm not sure if I can fit in this or this car could carry me but who cares, this is my wish list.

... and of course, it has to come with a big, warm hug from the handsome boy too.

I could go on and on but this is how far I can get for now.