
Friday, September 6, 2013

First day of spring

Once there was a thing called spring …. After a busy week, it feels rewarding to take a breather. September one, marked the first day of spring in Melbourne and the people flocked to the beach and the park. It was bright and sunny. The view of the beach speckled with people as the seagulls scream “Mine! Mine ! Mine!” ( from the movie Finding Nemo) was rejuvenating from the stress I went through all week.

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The leisurely stroll with photo op on the side, that will remain in private, ended at Stokehouse Cafe.


  1. Wow. Awesome shots. I haven't been to the beach this year. You should go back soon. I am jealous.

  2. Anad na ka mangudak. .... Aw!, mangulympos! Hehehehe!
