Our ( me and three other flatmates ) humble abode down under. From the suburbs, I moved to the city to get closer to my university and to where I work as well. As much as possible, we made the apartment as homey as we can. A home away from home.

Throw pillows, throws, lamp, flexible wooden man and phalaenopsis orchid from IKEA. A place, where I consider you can never come out empty handed. Their building was built like a maze where they keep the customers inside as long as they can. The items sold are very tempting and lure you to pick up few impulse purchases. It is a trap but a beautiful one.
Plastic chair, synthetic turf and potted plants are from Bunning's Warehouse, Australia's largest hardware and household stores. Not to brag, but we have the prettiest balcony in the whole building.

Plain and Printed. Rent is dear here in Melbourne. That is why, it is wiser to share it with friends ... friends that I consider family.