
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Boxing Day

On Boxing day, we did not join the parade to the malls and department stores. It was either we avoided the crowdy shops or, we avoided impulse buying , or we apparently don't have funds for shopping. Either way, I think it's a wise thing to do... wise on the pocket. Instead, we hosted a " bring a plate " ( a potluck party for the Americans ) party with friends. Wearing fancy clothes, or red outfits for Christmas party already bores me. So we decided to have an " Ugly Christmas jumper party ". 20141226_184707 20141226_184642 20141226_184632 20141226_185646 20141226_184724 20141226_185110 10882138_618572058269928_163364261284536132_n christmas tatum on Make A Gif
make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif
tatum2 on Make A Gif
make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif


  1. Love the table setting.

    Looks like it was so much fun.

    1. It was. Next party or celebration, I'm going to prepare a different backdtop then make GIF file with the photos again. LOL
